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For aspiring IT Professionals and Tech Consultants

Take Your IT Leadership Career to the Next Level to Become an IT Manager, Director or CIO

Even If You Currently Have No MBA or Bunch of Certifications
Start Gaining a CIO Mindset, Toolset and Skillset

What is the #1 factor that separates low-level IT workers stuck the bottom of the corporate barrel…

… and those IT professionals who lead teams and become IT Directors, VPs, CIO-s in record time?

You’d be wrong.

See, I was in the same position you’re in right now…

IT Leadership Triad

So I started observing those who were leaders in IT, in my own company and other companies…

And after years of doing this and gathering information, I pin-pointed the 3 vital areas where IT leaders – and all other leaders for that matter – excel over everyone else.

These 3 areas constitute what I now call the “Leadership Triad”…

And only by mastering these 3 key areas did I finally start leveling up, ultimately becoming a CIO of a global manufacturing company.

What are the 3 areas that are vital to mastering the “IT Leadership Triad?”

What exactly does it take to learn the “Leadership Triad” – and become the IT leader all the other workers look up to?

Here are the areas:

Area #1: The business you work for

In order to demonstrate your value to your boss and others in the company, it’s vital that you first understand the business you work for.

You must be 100% confident that what you’re presenting is the best solution for everyone involved…

And that’s impossible to do without a deep understanding of how the company operates.

Which leads us into the next area…

Area #2: The IT organization of the business

Once you understand how the company is structured, it’s time to level down to understanding the actual IT department you’re working in.

How is it organized? What are the current IT leaders doing right or doing wrong? How can your department provide more value to the business users and customers?

These are just some of the questions you need to ask to get this understanding…

And only by answering these questions will you be able to start bringing more value to your IT department and level-up to become an IT leader.

Which leads us to the next, and the final area of the equation…

Area #3: The people you work with

As an aspiring IT leader, you’ll be in contact with a lot of people.

Business users, executives, business leaders, IT Team members, external customers…

And because you’ll be working with so many people at the same time, your main task will be understanding what these people actually want.

And more importantly, you will have to understand how to give them what they want – so they realize the value you’re bringing to the company.


These 3 areas are key for mastering the “Leadership Triad” and becoming an IT leader…

“Ultimate IT Leadership”

The “Ultimate IT Leadership” is a comprehensive online course for IT professionals on any level to fast track their careers and become IT Leaders (Managers, Directors, Vice Presidents and CIOs) as fast as possible.

It gives you a CIO skillset, mindset and all the needed tools so you can demonstrate your value and get that next-level promotion in the company you work for – no matter what level you’re at right now.

Inside The Ultimate IT Leadership you’ll find 80+ value-packed training videos covering Leadership Triad topics.


The Role and Responsibilities of a CIO


Understanding the “Top-To-Bottom” of a Business


The “IT Part” Of Being A CIO

This is the most comprehensive part of the course, and it will give you key insights into how exactly an IT department works on both a high and low level.

You’ll discover:


The “IT Part” Of Being A CIO

This is the most comprehensive part of the course, and it will give you key insights into how exactly an IT department works on both a high and low level.

You’ll discover: